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As you plan out your full window replacement, you should know that not every window will serve the same function and purpose in your home. Some are designed to give more natural light and ventilation while others are more ideal for providing better views of the outdoors. As such, it helps to understand how different window types can benefit certain areas of your home.

Casement Windows

Casement windows are among the most popular window styles because of their simple, yet classic appearance. These hinged windows swing out to the side, allowing you to ventilate your home. They also come with a large glass area, which is perfect for framing outdoor views and letting sunlight indoors. When closed, casement windows are sealed shut, keeping drafts out while improving your home’s energy efficiency.

Double-Hung Windows

Like casement windows, these windows are likewise popular among homeowners for so many reasons. Apart from their clean and simple design, they consist of two sashes that slide vertically, allowing you to ventilate the indoors. These windows are worth considering for your exteriors remodeling project, especially if you’re looking to improve your home’s ventilation and energy efficiency.

Awning Windows

These windows are similar to casement windows in terms of operation, but their hinges are located at the top instead of the side. They’re typically placed above doors to provide more daylighting and ventilation. They can also be placed along the bottom, sides or top of a picture window for the same purpose.

Picture Windows

Picture windows are designed simply as glass panes fixed within a window frame that doesn’t open. Because they don’t open and close, they’re often used to enhance your interiors by framing a beautiful outdoor view. This makes them ideal in spaces where airflow isn’t a requirement. You often find picture windows used in two-story foyers to provide not just a broad view of your surroundings, but also a glimpse of your home’s interiors to those looking from the outside.

Ganser Company is the go-to contractor for your window replacement needs. Our experts can help you determine the best solution for your home, including addressing any concerns about water or structural damage. Our full-frame or insert window installation methods are designed for maximum efficiency and minimal disruption to your home.

Count on us to handle skylight installation projects as well. Call us today at (608) 222-1243, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate.